XILENCE Cooler XC044| "M504D" Performance C Series, Socket 2011/1150/1151/1155/1156/1366/2066/1200 & AM4/FM2+/AM3+, up to 180W, 2 fans - 92 x 92 x 25mm, 600-2200 rpm, 18.0~21.8dBA, 4pin, PWM https://m9.by
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XILENCE Cooler XC044| "M504D" Performance C Series, Socket 2011/1150/1151/1155/1156/1366/2066/1200 & AM4/FM2+/AM3+, up to 180W, 2 fans - 92 x 92 x 25mm, Hydro-bering fan, 600-2200 rpm, 18.0~21.8dBA, 4pin, PWM, 4 heatpipes
Tip de dispozitiv Cooler Intel/AMD
Socket AMD/Intel
Numărul de ventilatoare de răcire 2
Diametru/lungime (mm) 92
Lumina de fundal Нет
Capacitate de racire up to 180W

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XILENCE Cooler XC044| "M504D" Performance C Series, Socket 2011/1150/1151/1155/1156/1366/2066/1200 & AM4/FM2+/AM3+, up to 180W, 2 fans - 92 x 92 x 25mm, 600-2200 rpm, 18.0~21.8dBA, 4pin, PWM

  • Producător: XILENCE
  • Cod furnizor: 824-00021817
  • Disponibilitate: În Stoc!
  • 772 MDL

Etichete: XILENCE Cooler XC044| "M504D" Performance C Series, Socket 2011/1150/1151/1155/1156/1366/2066/1200 & AM4/FM2+/AM3+, up to 180W, 2 fans - 92 x 92 x 25mm, 600-2200 rpm, 18.0~21.8dBA, 4pin, PWM
